Evidence-Based Treatment & Patient-Centered Care

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, is not simply occasional shyness or nervousness in social situations. It is a chronic mental health condition that’s characterized by an intense, persistent fear of being watched, judged, or embarrassed in any kind of interaction. Sufferers of social anxiety often have extreme physical and mental reactions when in situations in which they feel they are being watched or evaluated, causing them extreme difficulty with their daily lives including working, maintaining relationships, and socializing.

At Deland Treatment Solutions we understand how devastating Social Anxiety Disorder can be on your wellness and your general well-being. We are committed to helping people suffering from social anxiety so that they have their confidence back and regain control of their lives.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder

While it’s normal to feel nervous in certain social situations—like public speaking or meeting new people—those with Social Anxiety Disorder experience extreme fear and avoidance of these situations. Symptoms can vary in severity but commonly include:

Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder

– If you have an intense fear of social or performance situations where embarrassment or judgment might take place.
– Refusing to do things like go to parties, make speeches, or eat in public.
– Blushing, sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, or nausea.
– Trouble making eye contact with or speaking to other people in informal situations.
– Fear of being the focus of attention, or being observed by others.

Individuals with social anxiety develop these significant avoidance behaviors that attempt to avoid or escape any social situations they know would make them anxious. This can also eventually isolate them from friends and family as well as any chance for personal and professional growth. Not to mention, Social Anxiety Disorder can lead to depression or other mental health conditions, so treatment is necessary.

Causes and Risk Factors

The exact causes of Social Anxiety Disorder are not fully understood, but several factors may contribute to its development:


You’re more likely to develop SAD if your family has it.

Brain Chemistry:

Anxiety disorders may be caused by imbalances of neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which helps regulate mood.

Environmental Factors:

We can develop social anxiety when we have experienced early, traumatic events, including being bullied or teased, or being socially rejected.

Personality Traits:

People who are naturally more introverted or prone to self-consciousness may be more at risk for SAD.

It is important to know that these risk factors are not always a cause of Social Anxiety Disorder and are not the disorder, but effective treatment does exist and will improve your quality of life.

Treatment Options

At Deland Treatment Solutions, we don’t just treat anxiety, we reduce your anxiety, develop your social skills, and make sure that recovery continues.

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy – CBT is considered one of the most effective therapies, and is the form of therapy most effective for Social Anxiety Disorder. It helps people to recognize what thoughts make them anxious. Through CBT, patients learn to replace unneeded, irrational fears with balanced, and healthier thoughts. This type of therapy also includes behavioral techniques, like offering gradual exposure to situations that people fear to desensitize them to their feared social ones.
  • Group Therapy – Group therapy provides a place where we are safe, surrounded by supportive people who know exactly how we feel, and where we can practice social skills, share their experiences, and receive feedback from others. Group therapy sessions help people learn that they are not alone in the fight. Practicing new coping strategies in a group setting can also build your confidence and generally decrease the isolating feeling of social anxiety.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques – Mindfulness exercises routine along with relaxation techniques like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation teach patients how to control physical symptoms of anxiety like a rapid heartbeat and sweating. These techniques can be especially useful during high-stress social situations.
  • Medication Management – Medication may be used in some cases as a part of a comprehensive treatment approach. Many medications can get the level of anxiety down, and they can also help therapy work better. At DeLand Treatment Solutions, we strive to do everything possible to make sure that said medication gets treated safely and effectively at the same time as an experienced medical professional keeps a close eye.

What to Expect During Treatment

At DeLand Treatment Solutions, we provide patients with treatment that is created for each individual based on their specific needs and goals. Our team of mental health professionals will first meet with you during an initial assessment, helping us understand your symptoms, triggers, and any alcohol or drug use or other co-occurring conditions that might be causing your social anxiety.

Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder

Usually, a series of individual and group therapy sessions work together toward treating this condition. Treatment lasts for a variable time and is intended to bring lasting, long-term improvements. Through the process, we have a compassionate caring team to assist people in regaining confidence in social situations and improving their quality of life.

Benefits of Seeking Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder

Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder can create dramatic changes in many different areas of life. Some key benefits include:

  • Increases in confidence in social and performance situations.
  • Less fear and anxiety in daily interactions.
  • More fun with family, friends and colleagues.
  • Better social skills, and ability to participate in social activities.
  • Greater personal and professional opportunities as avoidance behaviors decrease.

If Social Anxiety Disorder is preventing you from leading your life, then it is important to know there is help. At DeLand Treatment Solutions, we are here to walk you through every step of your recovery using effective therapies and a supportive environment. Take the first step towards overcoming social anxiety, and improving your quality of life. Contact us today to know how we can help you.


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