Health and wellness programs produce vital results when someone is recovering from addiction. A healthcare problem that transcends physical dependence involves three key elements: mind, body, and spirit. Our facility maintains specialist programs that specifically assist clients in both substance rehabilitation and mental health recovery. Our team, with extensive experience, gives individuals access to development tools that enable them to handle addiction and construct sustainable wellness.
Our addiction treatment combines evidence-backed therapeutic methods with modern wellness therapeutic approaches. We utilize programs based on stress management and mindfulness to identify addiction origins, which lead clients to genuine long-term wellness.
What Addictions Can Wellness Programs Treat?
The health and wellness programs at our facility treat different addiction types, such as:
1. Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance abuse needs treatment beyond simple detoxification because the condition demonstrates impressive complexity. The center provides therapeutic substance abuse rehabilitation and wellness activities for patients dealing with alcohol addiction together with prescription drug abuse and illicit drug use.
2. Behavioral Addictions
Addiction to behavioral activities, including gambling and excessive internet use or shopping, diminishes normal ways of living. Organized treatment approaches analyze mental root causes while producing alternative functional ways for managing concerns.
3. Co-Occurring Disorders
Many individuals struggle with co-occurring disorders like anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Conference programs link treatment approaches for addiction together with mental health care to deliver meaningful overall healthcare.
4. Alcohol Addiction
The addiction to alcohol damages every aspect of one’s physical and mental state of health. The organization provides alcohol relationship-building education through counseling sessions combined with support groups and wellness activities.
When Do You Need a Health and Wellness Program?
It is vital to understand when health and wellness programs become necessary since prompt intervention might be essential. Several warning indicators show you should look for professional medical assistance.
- An inescapable yearning exists when someone thinks about their substance or behavior continuously.
- A physical health decline becomes evident through disturbances in energy levels and sleep patterns and changes in patient weight.
- Increased feelings of anxiety, depression, or irritability.
- Lonely individuals remove themselves from relationships with friends and family, along with cutting ties with activities they once found pleasure in.
- One sign of addiction is when someone displays reduced ability in their work or education along with their duties.
Signs that indicate seeking a wellness-based addiction treatment program include the ones you are currently experiencing or those that your loved one shows.
Our Services
1. Medical and Psychological Support:
Our organization provides medical treatment combined with mental health care that deals with withdrawal symptoms as well as medical and psychological disorders for clients.
Medical-assisted treatment serves as a tool to reduce withdrawal symptoms and stop the recovering client from using substances again.
Mental Health Counseling – Treats anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other co-occurring disorders.
Psychiatric Evaluations – Ensures proper diagnosis and treatment planning.
2. Nutrition and Dietary Planning:
The exact reasons apply in this context because nutrition delivers essential patient care, which leads to better outcomes in recovery. Our healthcare services guide you in choosing the proper foods along with nutritional counseling to build your strength back up.
The substance-depleted body receives essential nutrients through properly balanced meals, which restores its health resources.
Nutritional counseling stands among the specialties of this practice and delivers assistance to clients who need help establishing healthy eating patterns.
Supplement guidance helps both performance improvement in human brain activities and maintenance of physical health.
3. Fitness and Physical Activity:
People should consider exercise as normal therapy because it functions as an uplifting tool and stress reducer while simultaneously maintaining good health.
The selected fitness programs depend on how much recovery the anion needs to handle. Therefore, programs must adjust to match the recovery capacity of individuals.
Yoga and Meditation: Promote relaxation and mindfulness.
Group Exercise Classes: Encourage motivation and accountability.
4. Holistic Healing Therapies:
Our therapeutic programs focus on physical, mental, and spiritual aspects that benefit our patient’s health.
Massage therapy plus acupuncture practice offers two-fold health benefits since it reduces anxiety while boosting blood flow throughout the body.
Art and Music Therapy: Provides creative outlets for emotional expression.
Mindfulness and Stress Management Techniques: Supports emotional resilience.
5. Aftercare and Relapse Prevention:
Recovery doesn’t end with treatment. Patients need long-term stabilization following detoxification that requires appropriate behavioral changes.
6. Supportive and Nurturing Environment:
A safe environment at the center allows clients to dedicate themselves to their recovery outside their addictive vices. Our center works to support clients by delivering high-quality services from staffing professionals who maintain respect for their client’s dignity.
Begin Treatment with DeLand Treatment Solutions
Selecting the appropriate person for recovering from addiction demands tremendous consideration. The DeLand Treatment Solutions Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Center delivers personal and compassionate healthcare to each patient through a specialty center. Our complete recovery programs guide patients throughout their entire journey while supplying continuous full-range assistance right until recovery success occurs.
Why Choose Us?
Our staff at Deland Treatment Solutions is composed of licensed personnel with mastery of adequate experience in the best methods of treating patients with substance use disorders. We provide a range of treatments that are rooted in evidence-based principles as well as new-age healing techniques; this is practiced in a non-shaming, client-centered setting. You can call us at (386) 866-8689 today using the number if you are interested in taking the first step towards a healthier, addiction-free, and stress-free life.

Years of experience
Our leadership team has extensive experience in dual-diagnosis treatment and is ready to help those who are struggling with substance use and mental health.

Our staff consists of many licensed mental health treatment facilitators and other staff who are ready to share their experience and their success.

Happy patients
Deland Treatment Solutions has helped over 2,000 people who have struggled with mental health problems find freedom to normal and healthy life.
Contact Us
Reaching out to Deland Treatment Solutions may be the most important call of your recovery process. A caring professional is waiting for your call to be your guide to addiction-free living.